Egg Donor FAQs
Egg Donors fees usually vary by first time, repeater, education and sometimes ethnicities as some are much more difficult to find. The range is from $7,000- $15,000 on average. Our compensation package is very generous within this field and we will discuss in detail with you individually.
After the IVF facility confirms that you did indeed have the retrieval, your guaranteed payment will come from your escrow account already established for you ahead of time within one business week.
Depending on everyone’s responses/schedules usually 2-4 months. Factors include: when the doctor can see you; when attorneys get the contracts to you (and when you sign and return); how quickly your body responds to stimulation meds, etc. We will do our best to make sure that everything moves along smoothly for you.
Sexual intercourse during the cycle as you are on stimulation medications, alcohol, drugs, medications, reckless behavior in general and food/liquids on the day of your retrieval.
If the cycle is not based locally to you, you will have to travel. But it is always your choice. For participating in a non-local cycle you will only have to travel twice; once for the initial medical screening/meeting of the physician and their staff, and again at the end of the cycle before you have your retrieval.
No. The Doctor gives you a local anesthesia. The procedure only takes about 10-15 minutes, then you rest for an hour and can leave after with your companion. Some participants experience PMS-like symptoms, bloating or light swelling; this is due to the air that gets in when they are retrieving the eggs from your ovaries. It does not happen to everyone and usually only lasts for 1-2 days. The only physicians that we work with are the top in their field.
We welcome you to view the stimulation medication protocol videos thoroughly and show your family and friend member that may want to assist you. It is a scary for a few at first but usually it gets easier and easier after the first two times.
The ASRM guidelines state 6 cycles per participant donating.
Yes. By law we cannot pass anything along besides the information that you provided to us on your profile, your medical and any screening by HIPAA can only be viewed by medical professionals. All is safe with us.