The Surrogacy Compensation Timeline

As a surrogate mother with GSHC Surrogacy Agency, your compensation timeline will be exact, and you will know when to expect your reimbursements.
Here is the compensation schedule you can expect as a current or future GSHC surrogate mother:
Monthly Allowance
Your first scheduled payment will be your monthly allowance. This payment comes the first of the month after your gestational surrogacy agreement is signed and notarized by both you and your intended parents when you receive official legal clearance from your attorney. This payment will continue until you deliver the surrogate baby.
IVF Reimbursements
The next two scheduled payments will come after your IVF embryo transfer is completed. These reimbursements are known as your “medication compliance fee” and your “embryo transfer fee.” These compensations will be paid to you the first of the following month after your embryo transfer takes place, so long as you comply with your doctor’s medication and appointment orders.
Pregnancy Confirmation Fee
You will receive this fee the first of the month following your ultrasound appointment in which the heartbeat of the fetus is confirmed, and your IVF clinic issues an official heartbeat confirmation.
Surrogate Base Compensation
Paid out in ten consecutive monthly installments, your first base compensation payment will come along with your pregnancy confirmation fee. More specifically, this fee will come on the first of the month following your heartbeat confirmation ultrasound. You will receive this payment every month you are pregnant, and after delivering your healthy full-term surrogacy baby the rest of the sum of your base compensation will be paid to you in a lump sum payment. In the unfortunate case you have a miscarriage or a stillborn preterm delivery up to 32 weeks after the embryo transfer date (28 weeks for twins), you will be entitled to one more monthly base compensation payment. If you deliver after 32 weeks after the embryo transfer date (or 28 weeks for twins,) no matter the outcome you will receive the remaining balance of your base compensation in a lump sum payment.
Maternity Clothing Allowance
The first allowance you are given for the purchase of necessary maternity clothing will come on the first of the following month after your 14th week of pregnancy. The final allowance given for maternity clothing will come on the first of the following month after your 24th week of pregnancy. Personally, I always appreciated that I received two split payments for maternity clothing as I was able to shop for the different climates during my surrogacy pregnancy.
Housekeeping Allowance
The reimbursement for paying for extra help keeping your house clean during the third trimester (when bending down becomes the hardest, and the belly gets in the way), will commence with the 28th week of pregnancy. Basically, you will be reimbursed starting on the first of the month after your 28th week of pregnancy and continuing until the surrogacy baby is born, so be sure to save your receipts.
Breast Milk Pumping Compensation
This payment will be paid to you for each week of complete pumping and will be paid to you on the first of each month.
There are other reimbursements and compensations for certain circumstances, like long-distance travel, a canceled cycle, or undergoing a cesarian section. If you are expecting reimbursements or any invasive procedure fee, you can expect these to be paid to you the first of the month after you submit them for reimbursement.
Please always be sure to submit your request for reimbursements (along with any necessary receipts) to our financial coordinator, your case manager, and the IP coordinator via email before the requested date.
Our financial manager will email you every month with a reminder, giving you time to complete and submit the request before the compensation request due date.
Compensation is an important part of surrogacy, and we always want to be sure you understand when you will be compensated and what you will be compensated for. If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding compensation, please reach out to your intake manager or your case manager. We are always here for you at GSHC Surrogacy Agency, you can count on us to deliver your payments on time.
To learn more about what you can earn as a gestational surrogate visit our Surrogate Compensation page.
If you are interested in becoming a surrogate for a family in need, Apply today!