- May 2, 2020
The Importance of Social Support
Did you know that having good social and emotional support can decrease the risk of experiencing depression and loneliness and relieve the effects of stress? …
Read the post - April 16, 2020
Experienced Surrogates: How Will My Journey Differ?
After completing their first surrogacy journey, it’s extremely common for surrogates to want to do another cycle. More often than not, the surrogacy experience …
Read the post - April 16, 2020
Timeline of Testing During Pregnancy
As a surrogate, there will be a number of prenatal tests you will be required to undergo during your pregnancy. These are to check the health and growth of the …
Read the post - April 7, 2020
The Importance of Medications During Surrogacy
When we sign up for surrogacy, we know that we are also signing up to take medications. This comes with a huge responsibility because when doing IVF (Invitro …
Read the post - April 4, 2020
What are the ASRM Guidelines and Why Do They Matter?
While navigating the world of surrogacy and throughout your surrogacy journey, you may hear the term “ASRM Guidelines” being used frequently, both by fertility …
Read the post - March 28, 2020
Pregnant on Lockdown: Coping With COVID-19
Being a surrogate is a unique experience at the best of times, but how has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the world of surrogacy? From dropped cycles to …
Read the post - January 11, 2020
What is BMI and why is it important?
Potential Surrogates frequently ask "what is BMI and why is it important for surrogacy?" It's an important question and one that needs to be explained in full …
Read the post - December 10, 2019
How to Ensure a Successful Match Meeting?
One of the very first steps in the surrogacy process is meeting the woman who will ultimately carry your child for the duration of the pregnancy. It's …
Read the post - September 26, 2019
What to expect from the agency screening process
Intended Parents need to trust that their Surrogate is physically and emotionally healthy and that they are prepared to commit to the journey ahead. GSHC …
Read the post - September 18, 2019
Bonding with Intended Parents
One of the key responsibilities of a surrogacy agency is ensuring that a successful match is made between a Surrogate and Intended Parent(s). At GSHC Surrogacy …
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