About Our Team

Zoe Wang

Intake Manager

Being an Egg Donor Intake Manager at GSHC Surrogacy Agency is an exciting opportunity for me, and I am confident and honored by my responsibilities each and every day. When engaging with egg donors, I am able to utilize my academic background in life sciences and hands-on experience in collaborative negotiation to maintain a reliable and comfortable relationship with each donor.

Having worked with nearly 1,000 applicants from all over the world, I am not only better equipped to recognize the competitiveness in donors as well as competitive donors, but I am also more aware of the significance of egg donation to both donors and intended parents. This has influenced me to keep in mind our philosophy every time I contribute to a successful match: life happens here, at GSHC Surrogacy Agency. I would love to do my best to provide efficient and reassuring intake services for our donors, and to build up a quality and diverse donor database for our parents.

担任GSHC Surrogacy Agency的捐卵人接收经理对我来说是一个令人期待的机遇,我对我每一天的职责都充满信心且备感荣幸。在与捐卵人的接触中,我可以充分利用我生命科学的学术背景和合作协商的实战经验,与每一位捐卵人维持可靠且舒适的关系。在与近1000名世界各地的申请人沟通后,我不只具备了更强的识别捐卵人优势和优秀捐卵人的能力,更深刻意识到了捐卵这一善举对捐赠者和准父母双方的重大意义。这一影响让我在每一次促成成功的匹配时,脑海中都回荡着我们的理念:生命始于此,始于GSHC Surrogacy Agency。我愿尽我最大的职责,持续为捐卵人们提供高效又安心的接收服务,为准父母们打造优质且多样的捐卵人信息库。

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